Windsurf Wave Sail Goya Banzai Pro 5.3 from 20/21
Wave Sail
Year 20/21
Battens 4
Boom 165 cm
Luff 425 cm
Materials Bi-Ply & Scrim
Bought new in May 2020 together with a Goya 6.0 and masts, at Essential Store.

Light, Control and Range
The Banzai has a lot of control, is very stable, even in very hard gusts. The sail has only 4 battens and is therefore wonderfully light, not only in terms of weight, but also really while sailing.
The Banzai trims most over the outhaul. But it can also be trimmed slightly with downhaul. Since I sail with North Power XT, I use that a bit as well. The biggest asset for range is the two outhaul eyes. They really give the sail a lot of range. This is especially nice at sea because you don't have to rig as quickly, which saves a lot of walking and therefore time.

The 2019 and newer Goya's have a slightly different curve than the 2018 and before. As a result, in 2020 it was not yet entirely clear which alternative masts really work well. So just to be sure, I bought real Goya masts. The 5.3 needs a 400, so I'm going to ride it on the Goya Eightyfive 400cm. I also have a Hot Sails Kauli 400cm, which has a similar curve and is my backup.

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