El Medano 2020 day 1: A lot of wind
Arrived in El Medano yesterday, yesterday was the strongest wind in weeks: 35+ knots, which I missed.
Today the forecast was a little less, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing, maybe it was a bit extreme for a first day.

Started with Quatro Power Pro 94 and Severne Blade 4.7
Especially getting used to the conditions. Set need a little better trimming: foot straps, harnesslines and boom height.
Wind was strong, the 4.7 was a bit big. Still had control, but the sail had loads of power. Board felt big and bit unwieldy and maybe too fast. The Power Pro is a freestyle wave, so fast.
On the outside there was hefty swell, up to 1.5 meters, maybe even more. Near the side nice breaking waves, almost side shore and up to 1 meter high.
Went in for another set, smaller sail and other board. Eventually first gone for another board, hopefully with more rocker and control, after consultation I took a Flikka.

Flikka Thruster 92 with the Blade 4.7
Blade was close to shore just big enough, but outside the sail was actually too big.
Near the beach it was difficult to get away, the waves broke all over the beach, and no/little power in the sail, so it was a matter of good time and hoping for a good gust.
The Flikka is very nice, easily sails cross wind, can pressure the fins normally, jibes like on rails and can ride very well. Gives control and rest without being too slow and too tame.

Not the easiest day to start with, the surf was sometimes difficult to get through, especially since there was much less wind near the beach. It's great to sail in warm conditions again in a thin wetsuit.

Lesson 1: Get on the water when the conditions are at their best. I started around high tide which is harder in El Medano.

El Medano - Playa Sur

11:00 0.5 hour Wind: 25/35 kts
Board: Quatro Power Pro 94
Sail: Severne Blade 4.7 - North Platinum 140-190
  Board had the original MFC fins: 21/10cm
On the outside the 4.7 was too big, on the inside just big enough, sometimes too small. The Quatro Power Pro is a real freewave board, which makes it very fast, actually too fast for the chop and waves, so it didn't really sail very relaxed. Not that it was uncontrolled, but certainly not relaxed, feels a bit awkwardly big in the waves.
11:45 2 hour Wind: 25/38 kts
Board: Flikka Thruster 92
Sail: Severne Blade 4.7 - North Platinum 140-190
  Sailed with the original Flikka fins, I'm guessing something like 20/10cm.
Board sails really nice, stance pleasant, on a wave it turns like on rails. Board is not very loose on the water, does not run upwind with a lot of speed, only by fully sailing over the front foot you can get upwind well. The 4.7 was too big on the outside, on the inside just big enough, sometimes even too small. Just enough volume to not sink completely. Few steep waves to jump. On the inside, nice waves to ride. Side-on-shore, almost Side-shore, not easiest for front side, but still worked out well. Back-side I'm obviously better.