(machine translated in 2023) Evening Surfing Hour Record
Strong winds were predicted all day, no chance to take a day off, so go surfing after work.
Prediction was SW and declining. Chosen for the Kabbelaarsbank, there is always someone there and it would also blow well for longer than on Herkingen.

I wouldn't have much time, so I just wanted to sail full speed, nice moment to go for an hour record. All other times I happened to have an hour record. It was quiet on the water, so nice, flatter water, fewer people in the way.

iSonic 101 with Warp 7.0 and SL4 38cm
On arrival, Coen just came off the water with 6.2. So then I have to go for 7.0/7.3. I took the iSonic 101 with the Warp 7.0. Immediately a great moment to train even more with the board and the sail. This time the Deboichet SL4 38cm underneath.
Combination worked very nicely. Strong winds were super alone, walking altitude was clearly more difficult, but still went fast. Sometimes a single spinout. Gybes generally went pretty well. Unfortunately, the wind was just a little less, so that planned gyben did not go. After more than 1 hour I got a bit tired. Gybes went less tight, 1 time half in the water. Turn sail in the water. But all in all, it sailed well. By sailed until I was over 80 km and that was in less than 2 hours and a quarter. A PR would be in it, but the 40 km/h would be exciting. After a bite, quickly get off and go home.

Quickly read the GPS at home: 39.87 km / h on average. Good improvement of my PR, unfortunately not 40 km/h. But with a better wind, 40 is feasible, especially on a spot with flatter water.

By the way, this was the 10th day in 1 month: Yummy. For the time being, they don't keep the wind anymore, so I can take a break.


17:30 2.25 hour Wind: SW 16/24 kts
Board: Starboard iSonic 101 - Deboichet SL4 38cm
Sail: North Warp F2009 7.0 - North Platinum(09) 460cm - Neil Pryde X9 180-230
  (machine translated in 2023) Set ran nicely, control was good, gyben went pretty well. Walking only height is not a success with the SL4. There and against the fin runs brilliantly when you throw it wide, so perfect for downwind slalom. Vin also seems to work better with this iSonic 101 than with the 111 with the Warp 7.0 on it.