
17:00 0.5 hour Wind: W/NW 16/19 kts
Board: Starboard iSonic 101 - Sonntag SL-P 35cm
Sail: North Warp F2009 7.0 - North Platinum(09) 460cm - AL360 E3 Carbon 180-230
  (machine translated in 2023) First time in a long time with the Warp 7.0. Wind was minimal. Could walk height with the SLP 35, board ran loose, but clearly lacked wind.
17:30 0.5 hour Wind: W/NW 16/19 kts
Board: Starboard iSonic 101 - Boss 4.21 S- 37,5cm
Sail: North Warp F2009 7.0 - North Platinum(09) 460cm - AL360 E3 Carbon 180-230
  (machine translated in 2023) Had hoped to walk height easier with the Boss 37.5 than with the SL-P 35cm. No, not in this minimal wind. Well the Boss is also a real downwind slalom fin. And that SLP runs pretty well at height. Boom also seemed to have to go further up to let the board run loose. Actually, of course, the wind was just too minimal. But could usually still plan.
18:00 0.5 hour Wind: W/NW 14/18 kts
Board: Starboard iSonic 101 - Select S10 35cm
Sail: North Warp F2009 7.0 - North Platinum(09) 460cm - AL360 E3 Carbon 180-230
  (machine translated in 2023) The familiar S10 never disappoints. Board run loose, easier height. Wind may have been a tad harder than before, but still not full-power. Again a lot of pressure on my back foot as usually with the S10.
18:45 0.5 hour Wind: W/NW 10/15 kts
Board: Starboard iSonic 101 - Select S10 35cm
Sail: North Trans-Am 6.6 - North Platinum(11) 460 - Aeron V-Grip 160-210
  (machine translated in 2023) Wind was too minimal for the Trans-Am 6.6. When I got into plane, the board stuck. Or there was weed hanging from the fin again. So not really a success.