04 August 2017
09:30 | 1 hour | Wind: W/SW 18/24 kts |
Board: | JP Freestyle Wave 84 Pro - MFC Freewave 22,5cm/Makani Walu 2x10cm | |
Sail: | North Ice 5.3 - North Gold(b) 400cm - Aeron V-Grip 160-210 | |
(machine translated in 2023) Set sailed well, in little wind a little trouble walking with height, was possible, but with more pressure on my front foot. Water was flat, so I went to grab a big middle fin. |
10:30 | 1 hour | Wind: W/SW 20/27 kts |
Board: | JP Freestyle Wave 84 Pro - MFC Freewave 25cm/Makani Walu 2x10cm | |
Sail: | North Ice 5.3 - North Gold(b) 400cm - Aeron V-Grip 160-210 | |
(machine translated in 2023) With the 25cm instead of the 22.5cm Freewave as the middle fin I could walk more easily, board had more lift, ran a bit looser, and that was more fun sailing on the flat water. Certainly didn't feel too big. Board wasn't going to fly. (Other times with the 25cm Freewave along with the Ice 5.3, it felt too small without thrusters). Perhaps a single fin setup would have been better for the flat water. |