Light wind and chop
W/NW wind predicted, up to 22 knots, wind ended up being WNW, and unfortunately the wind did not come through well.
Best spot seemed: Blokkenpier, from there along the beach to the kite spot.
Lots of kiters on the water, quite a few wingers. Less than 10 windsurfers when I started.
Doubted between 7.3 and 8.3. 7.3 could be small. But if the wind would increase, the 8.3 would be too big.
Took the SL-X 43cm to have enough fin to be able to get upwind and easily get planing.

iSonic 117 with S-Type 7.3 and SL-X 43cm
Close to the dam was clearly less wind. Floated a little upwind, up to 100 meters from the dam, a gust and I was planing. Getting a bit upwind to get further from the dam and could sail all the way along the beach to beyond the kite spot. Due to the wind direction: WNW also many kiters along the beach, but not too crowded. Closer to the blokkenpier there were also many wingers on the water. So many different watersports today. After a gybe, it was bobbing, every time. Waiting for a gust and then a couple of pumps to get planing. Hopefully helped by a wave. Once planing I could usually plane the whole length of the beach. Very long runs. Wind increased slightly so I could sail more full-power. Later the wind really decreased, it became much more bobbing. So I stopped.
Was also quite tired, was tiring sailing, the chop/waves and also a lot of pumping to get planing.

Temperature was quite good but unfortunately no sun at all. Wind was not as strong as predicted, but still a nice session.


13:45 2.25 hour Wind: W/NW 12/16 kts
Board: Starboard iSonic 117 - Sonntag SL-X 43cm
Sail: North S-Type SL 7.3 - North Platinum(13) 460 - AL360 E3 Carbon 200-260
  Set was just a bit too small. After a gybe I had to keep looking for a gust to get planing. Once planing the set was good, I could get upwind and keep planing. If the wind was minimal, the board didn't run free enough over the chop. There was quite a tricky chop, just too high for chop: often 30 to 50cm.