(machine translated in 2023)

The season has started: Nice sun-drenched light weather day
Good wind was predicted, unfortunately the forecast dropped considerably at the last minute, but had to be real enough for big stuff. On the way it was cloudy, even a little rain. When I drove over the Haringvlietdam it opened completely and the sky turned completely blue: It was immediately nice the sun on the car.
It was already quite busy on the Kabbelaarsbank, a lot of acquaintances, almost all the regular slalom boys were on the Kabbelaarsbank.
Most of them just came to the side to set up big ones, so that's what I did

GT85 with Warp 8.6 and Deboichet R10 56cm
It was getting on and sailing. Wind was strong enough, after some trimming I went after the other slalom pilots, who were training very high on the wind. But the wind was minimal for the 56cm fin, bigger would certainly have been better. After a lot of altitude walking I joined the group, who were training around a number of buoys. Unfortunately, after a short time it decreased further, with a number of spacious rakes we were back on the shore.
Time for a sandwich. Some of them were going to rig up formula stuff, I had Nikaj check my 8.6, trimmed a little better.

GT85 with Warp 8.6 and C3 D2 60cm
Nikaj had put more trim in my 8.6, so I had less pressure in my sail, and that with reduced wind was not a success, I had to pump a lot to get into plane, but then it went. I quickly went back to the side to put a little less trim in the sail, that helped, could plan more easily again. Made a lot of rakes. Speed wasn't very high, but it was nice.

There wasn't much wind, normally everyone would have grumbled, but the sun made up for so much that everyone walked around with a big smile. The season has started again.


Present: Hans (vichelli), Martijn (super_ik)

13:00 1.25 hour Wind: W/SW
Board: AHD GT 85 - Deboichet R10 M+ 56cm
Sail: North Warp F2011 8.6 - North Platinum(11) 490cm - AL360 E3 Carbon 210-270
  (machine translated in 2023) Sail felt good, good in the gusts, but on the small side in between. The 56cm was too small for height walking and planting, 60cm would certainly have been better.
14:30 1 hour Wind: W
Board: AHD GT 85 - C3 D2 60cm
Sail: North Warp F2011 8.6 - North Platinum(11) 490cm - AL360 E3 Carbon 210-270
  (machine translated in 2023) With the 60cm height walking was clearly better, but the wind was now very minimal, really had to pump or wait for a solid gust to get into plane. Nikaj had trimmed my sail optimally for this session, and with that he was much more highwind trimmed. After a bit of a brush, I removed a lot of downhaul and with that it went a little better. Stopped when the wind was almost completely gone.