
18:00 0.5 hour Wind: W/SW 28/40 kts
Board: JP Single Thruster 75 Pro - K4 Stubby 18cm/K4 Ezzy Asymmetric 2x12cm
Sail: North Voodoo 3.7 - North XC65 380cm - Dynafiber Blacklunar 155-205
  (machine translated in 2023) Not really much control over the board, I seemed to slide in the foot straps: too wide. Board bounced on the chop, I felt less with the AHD. Sail was too big in the hardest gusts, but usually easy to keep.
18:30 1.25 hour Wind: W/SW
Board: JP Single Thruster 75 Pro - K4 Stubby 16cm/K4 Ezzy Asymmetric 2x12cm
Sail: North Voodoo 3.7 - North XC65 380cm - Dynafiber Blacklunar 155-205
  (machine translated in 2023) Foot straps tightened a bit, so I clearly had better contact with the board. Still strange that they are wider than standard on a board. With the 16cm, the board seems to lie a lot calmer on the water. Only if the waves had a lot of chop, then it was still a bit of bouncing, you still have to keep those fins in the water if you want to give pressure against them. Still ran very well height, so maybe it can all be a bit smaller.