
10:45 3.25 hour Wind: S/SW 12/13 kts
Board: Starboard iSonic 117 - Sonntag SL-P 46cm
Sail: North Warp F2010 8.0 - North Platinum(11) 460 - HPL Carbon Race 200-285
  (machine translated in 2023) Wind was sometimes minimal, but with the 46cm I could plan a lot and still walk height. Vin never felt too big. Hostages did not always go without falling silently, there were too many dips in the wind for that. Speed compared to the rest in the B fleet seemed good.
14:45 2.25 hour Wind: S/SW
Board: Starboard iSonic 117 - Sonntag SL-P 44cm
Sail: North Warp F2010 8.0 - North Platinum(11) 460 - HPL Carbon Race 200-285
  (machine translated in 2023) Wind would increase, it also seemed to blow harder. Wanted to take the 42cm SL-P, but went for the 44cm SL-P to be sure, compared to the 42cm that was a good choice, but the 46cm would have been better afterwards. After the break, the wind was clearly a lot stronger. In the heat it was difficult to get into plane. After the heat it got even worse and it was no longer possible to sail a valid heat. Still some pretty sailing, a little pump training, a little jibbing. This was the first time with the 44cm, seemed to work well, but for this kind of minimal wind the 46cm is better I think.