Freeriding with friends
Wind direction a bit to little from the North, so in the Bay and just outside of it, wind was low.
Wind strength was varying a lot. Could do with only one sail, but used different fins to have a good range.

Used the Duke 5.9 on the Synco 103 all day
Started the 30 cm, but wind dropped quickly. Went to shore to switch for the 34cm.
That was on the large side, especially with only 1 back footstrap, but since the water was reasonably flat, this was not really a problem.
Wind had dropped so much that I had started rigging my Warp 7.0, but then the wind came back, full strength.
Took a bit smaller fin: 32 cm.

It was a nice afternoon, many friends on the water, nice to see Bart again.


Present: Bart, Jeroen, Martijn (Volvosurfer)

12:30 1.5 hour Wind: W
Board: Mistral Syncro 103 - Select Style 30cm
Sail: North Duke 5.9 - North Gold 430cm - Aeron V-Grip 160-210
  Wind was minimal, had to trim the sail for minimal wind, The 30cm was too small.
14:00 1.5 hour Wind: W
Board: Mistral Syncro 103 - Select Supercross 34cm
Sail: North Duke 5.9 - North Gold 430cm - Aeron V-Grip 160-210
  In the minimum wind the 34cm fin worked well. When the wind picked up, in the harder gusts, I had to place my foot more to the rail of the board, placing my foot outside the strap to keep the give enough pressure on the fin, two straps in the back would have been better.
15:30 0.5 hour Wind: W
Board: Mistral Syncro 103 - Select SRX 32cm
Sail: North Duke 5.9 - North Gold 430cm - Aeron V-Grip 160-210
  The SRX 32 is a high-aspect-ratio fin, so fairly little surface for its length. In the minimum wind the board wasnt that loose, but in the stronger gusts it worked good, acceleration really nice.