(machine translated in 2023) Super day at the Grevelingendam
Wind forecast was already super for a few days: WNW 20 to 30 knots.
Rain was predicted, but fortunately it stayed just on the other side of the water, so outside a few drizzle we kept it dry.

I was out early and around 9:30 am on the water, I was one of the first and there was no acquaintance yet. That normally never happens to me, I'm always one of the later ones. Martijn, Frank and more acquaintances would come, so it could be very cozy. Wind looked good, chatting for a moment and then rigging up. Wind seemed the same as yesterday, so JP FSW 84 with Ice 5.3. Was a guess, could be too small or too big, we'd see. Good choice, all day with the same set of sails.

Helmet camera
Finally took the time to test my Core Contour HD, there were many friends on the water so nice to film it. So I mounted the camera on my helmet and set sail. Was very nice to sail a lot close to my buddies and watch what they do. Patrick and Frank also sailed with the camera to film me. Until the camera stopped, card full.

Had a lot of fun today on the water, sailed a lot with friends, did a lot of crazy things, jumped a lot.

Dangers until I really couldn't anymore and was too tired to hold my boom any longer, gybjes went wrong: Very satisfied stopped. You have of those days: SUPER!

Watched the images from the camera at home, very dark and quite moving, I will see what I can make of it with my editing program.


Present: Frank, Jan Willem (Dutchflag), Jurjen, Martijn (Volvosurfer), Patrick (Mr skate), Ronald (RonVo)

10:30 5 hour Wind: W/NW 18/28 kts
Board: JP Freestyle Wave 84 II - Mistral Freestyle 23cm
Sail: North Ice 5.3 - North Gold 430cm - Chinook Pro 1 Alloy 165-227
  (machine translated in 2023) Perfect from the start, because I now sail with longer trapeze lines, boom set slightly higher. Later trim a little less put, but otherwise perfect. Always sails great.