
14:15 2 hour Wind: S 18/25 kts
Board: JP Freestyle Wave 84 Pro - Select Wave Warrior 24cm
Sail: North Ice 5.3 - North Gold 430cm - Chinook Pro 1 Alloy 165-227
  (machine translated in 2023) Could always plan, the 24cm Wave Warrior was sometimes on the small side. A little more trouble walking at height, but rest, and nothing too big in the gusts.
16:45 1.5 hour Wind: S/SW 30/45 kts
Board: AHD Power Wave 253 - Select Wave Warrior 22cm
Sail: North Voodoo 3.7 - North XC65 380cm - Chinook Pro 1 Alloy 150-212
  (machine translated in 2023) Extreme wind, between the hardest gusts best to do. In the gusts? Impossible!