Finally surfing again
For weeks there was little wind and a lot of rain and unfortunately I couldn't get away from work at the moments when there was wind.
Today finally good wind.
Until about 1 o'clock it rained occasionally, so first lunch and after the rain on the water.

Banzai 5.3 on the Goya One 95 with 21/10 MFC Thrusters
High tide had just passed, so there was hardly any shore-break anymore: which was nice. Didn't start too close to the intake. I was able to plane right off the beach. Soon some steep waves and jumping. Especially just before the measuring pole there were some nice waves every now and then. Beyond that, you could occasionally ride waves. The wind was quite strong, the 5.3 was soon at max trim and still had more than enough power. I could have sailed with 4.7. Water was very choppy, everyone was complaining. I thought it was quite manageable: Goya One did well. Wind was predicted to be very constant, it came true. Rarely had such a constant wind: for hours.

It was a tick overcloud, but the wind was very constant. It was super busy and that made the water even more choppy.
Sailed through until I was completely empty: nice.

Brouwersdam Zuid

Present: Gert-Jan, Henk, Kees, Menno (flappie), Paul, Ronny

13:30 3 hour Wind: N
Board: Goya One 3 Pro 95 - MFC Freewave (20) 21cm/MFC TF 2x10cm
Sail: Goya Banzai Pro 5.3 - Goya Eightyfive Pro 400 - AL360 E3 Carbon 160-220
  Sail at max trim, lots of power, but never really too big. Fins didn't feel too big, but I did went upwind a bit too easily and the set was fast. Water was really chaos chop with swell, but set did well for the conditions, control was pretty good.