Unexpected summer storm
Today Breda Live festival, but the bands before 18:00 were less interesting and the forecast with 30 to 35 knots was too tempting.
On the way to the beach I realized that I had forgotten to throw the Goya 81 and/or AHD 253 in the trailer, hopefully the wind is not too strong.
Well, that was a bummer, already on the way to the beach I could feel it in the car: WIND!!
No real other option then the Fanatic Grip 93, accoording to Fanatic it should work with any small sail, yeah right.

Banzai 3.7 with Fanatic Grip 93 with 18/10cm thrusters
Started with board as a thruster. I didn't take my smallest center fin, but I use a soft fin: K4 Flex 18cm with the original Fanatic 10cm thrusters, which are also very soft. Fins spaced quite far apart to get more control. Didn't disappoint: only a few spinouts, board didn't take off and control was often quite good, board can sail nicely at a low pace. Wind increased more and more, 3.7 over max trim, upwind was way too easy. Jumping was actually impossible, too strong wind. Back-side wave riding went pretty well, board didn't turn super short. Front-side didn't work, wind too strong to keep the sail clew first. Time to experiment a bit, time for different fins.

Banzai 3.7 with Fanatic Grip 93 with 14.5/10cm quad
First I grabbed my smallest quad set. Control seemed a little less than as a thurster, waves seemed rougher. But that could also have been the wind that seemed even stronger. Also with the quad fins, the board can plane slowly, which is very nice in these conditions. Back-side wave riding was still fun. Unfortunately the wind didn't die down and I still had to have energy left for tonight's festival. So it's time to call it a day.

Bizarrely strong wind, a bit stupid not to have the small waveboards with me. First impression of the Fanatic Grip 93 in these conditions is not bad. Thruster seems to give more control than as a quad. Unfortunately did not have the small boards to do a good comparison. Everybody was either not able to sail or was complaining harder then I was, so the wind was really extreem: 50+ kts gusts.


Present: Alex, Henk, Ron, Ronny

12:15 0.5 hour Wind: SW
Board: Fanatic Grip TE 93 - K4 Flex 18cm/Fanatic RTM Carbon 2x10cm
Sail: Goya Banzai X Pro 3.7 - Hot Ultra 340 - AL360 E3 Carbon 140-200
  Sail on medium trim at first, but ended at max trim. Despite the bizarrely hard gusts, it was not disappointing. The Grip 93 can plane fairly slowly if you want it to. As a result, you can keep control reasonably well. No spin-outs, so the fins seem to work well, gave pretty good control. Sometimes quite high waves. Back side wave riding went pretty well. Front side didn't work. Once the sail was clew first it was no longer possible to controle it in the strong wind.
12:45 1 hour Wind: SW
Board: Fanatic Grip TE 93 - Fanatic RTM Carbon 2x14.5cm/Fanatic RTM Carbon 2x10cm
Sail: Goya Banzai X Pro 3.7 - Hot Ultra 340 - AL360 E3 Carbon 140-200
  Sail over max trim. Quad worked, chop seemed worse than with the thrusters, were the waves different/rougher or do the thrusters work better in the chop. I will have to try again next time. Control not bad. Could still plane slowly if I wanted. Wave riding similar to the thrusters. Backside nice, front side didn't go through the hard gusts