(machine translated in 2023) Nice day, weather was much better than expected. I did go off the water because of a thunderstorm with hail


14:30 0.75 hour Wind: W/NW 20/26 kts
Board: JP Freestyle Wave 84 II - Select Wave Warrior 22cm
Sail: North Dr.X 4.7 - North XC60 400cm - North Progression Comp A+
  (machine translated in 2023) First time with the 22cm. Vin gives enough pressure for the 4.7 even with just enough wind. This fin is more flexible and gives more control, but the board rotates a little less easily than with the JP FSW fin. Unfortunately had to go off the water because of a huge thunderstorm.
15:30 0.25 hour Wind: W/NW 18/26 kts
Board: F2 Sputnik 230 WCE - Lessacher Quattro Speed 28cm
Sail: North Dr.X 4.7 - North XC60 400cm - North Progression Comp A+
  (machine translated in 2023) I wanted to try the Lessacher 28cm. The wind was too little to build up pressure properly. What is striking is that the fin never goes completely into spinout, you feel the fin half slip, half goes into spinout, the other half does not!
15:45 0.25 hour Wind: W/NW 18/26 kts
Board: F2 Sputnik 230 WCE - Pro-Am Racing/SL 28cm
Sail: North Dr.X 4.7 - North XC60 400cm - North Progression Comp A+
  (machine translated in 2023) So, that saves a lot of pressure, the Mistral is much wider than the Lessacher. The Sputnik just needs a lot more sail than the JP to run nicely.
16:00 1.25 hour Wind: W/NW 20/28 kts
Board: JP Freestyle Wave 84 II - Select Wave Warrior 22cm
Sail: North Dr.X 4.7 - North XC60 400cm - North Progression Comp A+
  (machine translated in 2023) Lovely vare, nice sun with it delicious!