
11:00 1.5 hour Wind: S/SW
Board: AHD GT 85 - Deboichet R13 S 65cm
Sail: North R-Type 9.5 - North Platinum(11) 490cm - Unifiber Freerace/Slalom 220-280
  (machine translated in 2023) In the beginning just too little wind so I could hardly walk height, race 2 and 3 clearly more wind and certainly in race 3 the set ran really fast and high, Andrea was faster, but difference was LESS CLEAR.
14:00 2 hour Wind: S/SW
Board: AHD GT 85 - Deboichet R10 M- 55cm
Sail: North Warp F2011 8.6 - North Platinum(11) 490cm - AL360 E3 Carbon 210-270
  (machine translated in 2023) Speed was clearly better than yesterday, I think a bit more downhaul but also the 55cm fin makes a difference. I was only overtaken by the top 6, I just kept track of the rest and at the buoy I make up for a lot with planting.