Afternoon storm at Kabbelaarsbank
Strong wind predicted for the afternoon, 13 degrees, no deadlines at work, so took the afternoon of and went to Zeeland.
On arrival, no one was sailing at Kablaarsbank. During rigging and putting on my wetsuit, the first other surfers arrived. Wind didn't seem to strong yet, so rigged relatively large.

JP FSW 102 with Ice 5.3 and Makani 26cm
When I walked into the water, the wind was already clearly stronger. First leg was already clear that sail was on the big side. Directly increased the trim, and after a short leg tightened it again. Eventually, the sail was trimmed over max. Set was just too big, so didn't wait long to grab a smaller set.

JP FSW 84 with Ice 4.7 and Freewave 22.5cm/Makani 8cm
Hesitated about taking the 4.2, but didn't want to stand still on the water. So still opted for the 4.7.
Gusts had become stronger considerably, and in the gusts the 4.7 was sometimes really too big. But in the windholes, the 4.7 wasn't too small. So could sail well, even the 4.2 probably could have worked. Stood some nice waves to jump and waveride. Could often even make 2 or 3 back-side hits, and that on Kablaarsbank. But sometimes the water was also just chaos chop. Some planning jibes. Sailed until it was dark.

I'm old, with only 4 surfers on the water, I was the oldest, even if you would add the age of the the 3 others, I was still older. Those 3 younger teens were all 3 freestylers and they were doing well with this strong wind, very cool to see.
It wasn't cold, wind was strong, sun was nice.


14:45 0.5 hour Wind: S 20/28 kts
Board: JP Freestyle Wave 102 Pro - Makani Kaku 26cm
Sail: North Ice 5.3 - North Gold(b) 400cm - AL360 E3 Carbon 160-220
  Only in the first few minutes it was good, but after that the set was quickly too big. More than maximum trim, and even that wasn't enough. Board control was still pretty good.
15:30 1.5 hour Wind: S 24/35 kts
Board: JP Freestyle Wave 84 Pro - MFC Freewave 22,5cm/Makani Walu 2x8cm
Sail: North Ice 4.7 - North Gold(b) 400cm - AL360 E3 Carbon 140-200
  Very nice to ride the 84 again, board reacts so much faster and turns much shorter than the FSW 102. Also the 4.7 was not the best choice, it was actually too big. Control good, right balance between running loose and short turns. Jumping was difficult in the harder gusts: sail too big.