Gusty evening session
Finally good WSW wind predicted, especially after 17:00 more wind: another evening session.
Rains showers should not be too bad, but gusty winds are expected due to the showers.
Most surfers were sailing at 4.5, they were all on the beach, wind had dropped.

Banzai 4.7 on the Wave Slate 96 with MFC 16/11 quad
In the beginning with minimal trim, but wind was back, and the gusts were very strong and only increased. Ended up sailing for a long time with maximum trim.
Quite a few nice waves to be found for back-side wave riding. With the Slate it was also fairly easy to ride front-side, but the harder gusts sometimes made it difficult. Jumping also went well, a few times even nice high jumps. Jumping was sometimes also possible with the right front. Did a nice table-top, not as nice as yesterday.
Later, the wind was completely gone and minimum trim was needed to get back to the Blokkendam. Until the wind came back and I sailed with max trim for a while until I was tired.

It was tough, sometimes very hard gusts 30+ knots, other times standing still. Water from almost flat to more than 1.5 meters of waves.
But despite the circumstances, nice sailing and had fun.


Present: Gert-Jan, Henk (Ouwe), Kees, Ronny

16:30 2 hour Wind: SW 18/33 kts
Board: JP Wave Slate 96 Pro - MFC QS 2x160/MFC TF 2x10cm
Sail: Goya Banzai Pro 4.7 - Goya Eightyfive Pro 400 - AL360 E3 Carbon 160-220
  Difficult conditions due to the rain showers. Minimum trim sometimes too small, max trim sometimes too big. Most of the time the 4.7 was good. Only the extremes were very difficult. Quad worked well, very playful. Could get upwind very well most of the time. Only in the largest wind holes I couldn't even sail crosswind anymore. Jumping went quite well with the left foot front, sometimes even high. Coming back in sometimes jumping, even did a nice table-top. Back-side wave riding was great, the top turn also went well, I sometimes had more trouble with that with the Slate. Front side went really well, but did not try very often.