
Present: Arno (Mr. Q), Hans (Hansie), Jan Willem (Dutchflag), Jeroen, Martijn (Volvosurfer), Marvin, Patrick (Mr skate)

12:00 1 hour Wind: S/SW
Board: Starboard iSonic 111 - Deboichet SL2 42cm
Sail: North Warp F2011 7.8 - North Platinum(b) 460cm - AL360 E3 Carbon 210-270
  (machine translated in 2023) Set just didn't run well, at the gybe in wind holes I fell silent too easily, and also the set just didn't feed quietly enough in the chop. Speed was pretty good.
13:00 1.5 hour Wind: S/SW
Board: AHD GT 85 - Deboichet R10 M+ 56cm
Sail: North Warp F2011 7.8 - North Platinum(b) 460cm - AL360 E3 Carbon 210-270
  (machine translated in 2023) For the first time with the 7.8 on my GT85. Sail on the small side in front of the board. But again was so gusty that I needed a solution. Large board with small sail is still relatively early planting and still control when the wind blows harder. Yes you do lose something in speed, but still went pretty well, maybe try a smaller fin.