18 September 2023
Gusty day
Finally wind again. Unfortunately, the forecast on the day itself was less than hoped, but enough for a nice session.
Little rain predicted. Most surfers were sailing with 5.0 and 5.3, but my gut said: 6.0. Hint: listen to your own feelings.
Banzai 5.3 on the Patrick 113 with Select Supercross 34cm
In the beginning, the wind was really disappointing. A lot of bobbing and occasionally planing. Fortunately, the wind slowly increased. Could slowly get planing more and more. I wasn't the only one, many surfers stood still a lot. Later I was able to make wonderfully long runs. F-Cross runs wonderfully loose, the Supercross 34cm does well with the 5.3 with minimal wind. When the first showers came, the wind sometimes increased considerably. Then the 34cm was on the large side, but the sail was actually too big.
Banzai 5.3 on the Goya One 95 with MFC 21/11cm
Get used to it at first, after the F-Cross 113. Board just seemed to stick. Because of the wind direction that was almost side-shore, you could almost waveride down-the-line, if you could find a good wave. Many attempts at front-side golfing. Often no real wave to be found at all. A few times it worked out really well: very nice. Double hits were certainly not possible. The waves weren't good enough for that. Later there was a heavy shower, just as much more wind, but there was also not much visibility. Wind didn't drop much after that. 5.3 was really getting too big. Another shower on the way. Time to stop.
It was very gusty. Wind direction not best for the Blokkendam, this makes it possible for down-the-line golfing. Apart from the very heavy shower, the weather was wonderful. If I had more energy left and it had stayed dry, I would have liked to try 4.7 with the Wave Slate as a quad in these waves.
Present: Gert-Jan, Henk, Henk (Ouwe), Ron, Ronny12:30 | 2.5 hour | Wind: S |
Board: | Patrik F-Cross 113 - Select Supercross 34cm | |
Sail: | Goya Banzai Pro 5.3 - Goya Eightyfive Pro 400 - AL360 E3 Carbon 160-220 | |
In the beginning wind really too minimal. Sail on minimum trim and still needed a gust and pumping to get planing. Occasionally the wind was a bit stronger, then it would be easier to plane, but it stayed on and off. If the wind was there, the set sailed wonderfully. First time with the Supercross 34cm, which didn't even feel too big for the 5.3. Let the set run nice and fast and loose. Wind often the soft for planing jibes. |
15:15 | 1.75 hour | Wind: S |
Board: | Goya One 3 Pro 95 - MFC Freewave (20) 21cm/MFC TF 2x11cm | |
Sail: | Goya Banzai Pro 5.3 - Goya Eightyfive Pro 400 - AL360 E3 Carbon 160-220 | |
Get used to it at first, after the F-Cross 115. Board did not run free. Especially sailing out didn't feel good. Back towards the beach, clearly better. On a wave it felt good. Wind at first minimal, at the end, sail over max trimmed. Set seemed better, or I was better used to the board. Maybe next time try slightly larger center fin and smaller thrusters in minimal wind. |