06 July 2024: Unexpected summer storm

Sunday 07 July 2024

Today Breda Live festival, but the bands before 18:00 were less interesting and the forecast with 30 to 35 knots was too tempting. Unfortunately I had forgot my smaller wave boards. Sailed with the Banzai 3.7 with Fanatic Grip 93, first with 18/10cm thrusters, later with 14.5/10cm quad set-up. Extreme strong wind! First impression of the Fanatic Grip 93 in these conditions is not bad. Thruster seems to give more controle than as a quad. Almost everyone found it impossible to sail or complained much harder than I did: it was really windy: 50+ kts gusts. [Read...]

04 July 2024: Wonderful evening session

Sunday 07 July 2024

Forecast looked good for days, good wind in the afternoon and evening. Started with the Banzai 6.0 on the F-Cross 113 with Supercross 34cm. In the beginning: minimal, later too big and fast for the waves. Switched to the Banzai 5.3 on the One 95 with 21/11 thrusters. Jumping over both sides possible. Back-side wave riding fun. Sometimes even multiple hits on one wave. One of the best sessions of the year: lovely sunshine, lovely constant wind. [Read...]

15 June 2024: Gusty but nice morning

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Wind was predicted SW and would turn to south around 1 or 2 o'clock. So you want to sail before 1. Doubted between te 4.2 and 4.7. Sailed the Banzai 4.2 on the Grip 93 with MFC 20/10 thrusters. I couldn't plane all the time, wind sometimes really dropped. Wind was very gusty and turned a bit, but the weather was very nice. It was very busy with a lot of surfing buddies on the water! [Read...]

01 June 2024: Finally surfing again

Monday 03 June 2024

For weeks there was little wind and a lot of rain and unfortunately I couldn't get away from work at the moments when there was wind. Today finally good wind. Sailed the Banzai 5.3 on the Goya One 95 with 21/10 MFC Thrusters Some steep waves for jumping, and others for an occasional back-side hit. It was a tick overcloud, but the wind was very constant. It was super busy and that made the water even more choppy. Sailed through until I was completely empty: nice. [Read...]

19 April 2024: Strong wind, and chilly

Saterday 20 April 2024

Good WNW predicted, some showers in the morning, later less rain. Sailed the Banzai 4.2 on the Grip 93 with MFC 20/10cm thrusters. Nice afternoon: Wind was stronger than expected. It was only 9 degrees and with so much wind: quite chilly. I didn't wear mittens, and sometimes that was only just possible. [Read...]

Setje voor vandaag: Fanatic Grip 93 met de Banzai 4.2.Setje van vandaag: Fanatic Grip 93 met Banzai 4.2. Thrusters onder de Grip.Vinnen voor vandaag onder de Fanatic Grip 93: MFC TF20 en 10cmVinnen onder de Fanatic Grip 93: MFC TF 20 en 10cm. Op deze foto duidelijk de nieuwe inbus bouten. Stuk fijner.Eerste keer met mijn nieuwe Slotbox bouten gevaren. Beter bouten, betere draad, inbus, kunnen met een lattensleutel worden vastgezet.

09 April 2024: Tail end of storm Pierrick

Thursday 11 April 2024

Strong winds forecast all day, up to 40 knots. In the evening it would start to decrease. Was able to leave work a few hours earlier. I was at the dam just before 4. Sailed the Banzai 3.7 on the Grip 93 with quad fins. 4.2 would have been better. Luckily not much rain, but a bit chilly, compared to last weekend. Was a fun session. [Read...]

Hoog water tijdens een storm op de Brouwersdam. Zee water loopt over het strand achter de Blokkendam langs.Foto van de vinnen die ik vandaag onder de Fanatic Grip 93 heb gebruikt: K4 Flex 16cm achter en Fanatic 10cm voor.

05 April 2024: Great day, cold is gone

Sunday 07 April 2024

Forecast for 25 degrees this weekend, 15 degrees on Friday and up to 40 knots turning from S to SW wind. Sailed the Banazi 4.7. First on the Wave Slate 96, later on the Grip 93. Lovely afternoon, clear blue almost all afternoon and not cold. I'm getting more and more friends with the Grip, I'll put Dakine Core Contours on it. I find the original foot straps much too soft. [Read...]

Heerlijk weer aan de Blokkendam. Lijkt wel zomer.Foto van de vinnen die ik vandaag heb gebruikt onder de Fanatic Grip 93: MFC QS 300 met TF 11cm fronts.Vinnen die ik vandaag onder de JP Wave Slate 96 heb gebruikt: K4 Scorcher 16 achter, 10 voor.Foto van de vinnen die ik vandaag heb gebruikt onder de JP Wave Slate 96: K4 Scorcher 16cm voor, 10cm achter.

24 March 2024: Cold but better wind

Sunday 24 March 2024

The forecast was wind and rain again, in the morning the rain didn't seem to fall in Zeeland. Wind direction W to WNW, so perfect for the Grevelingendam. Started with the Banzai 5.3 on the One 95. Later took the Banzai 4.7 on the Grip 93. It was cold, really cold. In the beginning even with mittens on cold fingers. The wind was a lot better than yesterday and it was a lot busier on the water. [Read...]

23 March 2024: Gusty, a short period perfect

Sunday 24 March 2024

Good wind has been predicted for the weekend for days. Wind forecast remained, but the temperature was a lot lower. Used a lot of equipment: Banzai 6.0, 5.3 and 4.7. In the beginning very gusty, then 1.5 an hour of good sailing. Menno and Jurjen have also done a lot of re-rigging. It wasn't very cold, we sailed almost all the time without mittens. After stopping, the hail came and the temperature dropped quickly. Even with the neoprene jacket on, I had cold hands: brr. [Read...]

15 March 2024: Briljant day at the Brouwersdam

Sunday 17 March 2024

Very good wind forecast and also warm for the time of year. Sailed with the Banzai 4.7. First on the Wave Slate, later the Goya One and ended on the Wave Slate again. Another 4 seals were released, went to have a look. Not very cold, no cap or gloves needed. Lots of sun. Especially at the end there are also nice waves. [Read...]

Foto vanaf de Insta360 van Henk. Heel dichtbij met de JP Wave Slate 96 en Banzai 4.7. Mooi shot van de 4.7.Foto vanaf de insta360 van Henk. Heel dichtbij met de JP Wave Slate 96 en Banzai 4.7.

04 February 2024: Cold but nice afternoon at the Blokkendam.

Monday 05 February 2024

Good wind forecast, SW and dry. Few surfers at the Blokkendam. Sailed with the Banzai 5.3 on the Goya One 95 with MFC 21/10cm fins. In the beginning wind was not strong. Later the 5.3 was too big. It was cloudy, certainly not warm. Especially in the last hour more and more nice waves. [Read...]

03 January 2024: Nice start to the year

Sunday 07 January 2024

Tail of storm Henk, should stay dry for most of the afternoon. Sailed with the Banzai 5.3 on the One 95 with MFC 25/8 thrusters. Wind was WSW, so mainly sailing along the beach. Because of the direction you could find waves on both sides to jump. In general, the water was very flat. While jumping, almost hit Gert-Jan. Nice start of the year. Nice session, too bad there were so few waves. [Read...]

Mooie foto van de GoPro van Gert-Jan: Springen met de Goya One 95. Verkeerd ingeschat: ik dacht dat Gert-Jan nog achter me zat, maar na het afzetten was ik alle druk in mijn zeil kwijt. Ik zat echt te dicht bij Gert-Jan, maar gelukkig heb ik hem niet geraakt.Mooie foto van de GoPro van Gert-Jan: Verkeerd ingeschat: Ik land net na een sprong, net schuin voor hem. Gelukkig heeft hij me niet geraakt, maar dit was te dichtbij.Mooie foto van de GoPro van Gert-Jan: Springen met de Goya One 95.Mooie foto van de GoPro van Gert-Jan: Planeren met de Goya One 95. Mooie foto van de Banzai 5.3.

28 December 2023: Afternoon front-side wave riding

Thursday 28 December 2023

The wind had turned more to the south. Sailed with the Banzai 4.7 on the Goya One 95. Outwards almost sailing square into the waves. But that also offers opportunities: front-side wave riding. It turned out to be a great day for front-side wave riding. Collision with Henk: no damage. After high tide is was lovely. Amazing how many times I was able to ride front-side today. Often 2 or 3 times per run: learned a lot. It was extremely gusty, but the 4.7 was a good choose. In retrospect, the last hour was perhaps the best hour of the day. [Read...]

21 December 2023: Storm Pia was a bit disappointing

Thursday 21 December 2023

First day of my Christmas holidays, 11 degrees and wind force 7 predicted: Storm Pia. Sailed with Banzai 3.7 on the Goya 81 with K4 Scorcher 20/10cm thruster set I found Pia disappointing this afternoon, 3.7 with minimum trim was just too small at the end. Temperature was not disappointing, sailed without gloves. Had no rain. Even a short bit of sunshine. [Read...]

Foto van mijn K4 Scorcher 20/10cm thruster set onder mijn Goya Custom 3 81

New windsurfing website finally live

Saterday 02 December 2023

In the background I have been working for years to create a modern version of my windsurfing website. A website that works well on mobile phones. The old one didn't work on phones and tablets with smaller screens and touch screens. The website is now also available in English. [Read...]

19 November 2023: Super afternoon on the block dam

Thursday 23 November 2023

Forecast 25 to 35 knots southwest, about 13 degrees and probably dry, perfect for the Blokkendam. Not early on the dam. It was quite busy. Saled the Banzai 4.7, first on the Goya One 95, later on the Fanatic Grip 93. Sailed on until the wind began to die down and it became dusk. Amazing afternoon, not really cold yet, good wind and especially last hour really good waves. Very happy with the Grip. [Read...]

15 November 2023: Nice afternoon onshore wind

Thursday 16 November 2023

Wind at the Grevelingendam just not quite west, just a tad too much south. On the Brouwersdam, just a little north. So not really great anywhere. The Brouwersdam with a little north is always better than the Grevelingendam with a little south. Used the Banzai 5.3, first on the F-Cross 113, later with the Goya One 95. It was lovely, wind fairly constant, lots of sun: delicious. Next time with this direction: start at Brouwersdam itself, and sail from there towards the lighthouse. [Read...]

Mooie foto van de Insta360 van Henk: Planeren met de Goya One 95.Mooie foto van Henks 360 camera: Golfriding met de Goya One 95 en Banzai 5.3.

05 November 2023: A day of trimming equipment

Saterday 11 November 2023

Forecast was: west wind 25 to 40 knots: Grevelingendam. Unfortunately, the wind turned out to be just a bit southerly, so there was hardly any wind near the shore. When I arrived, the wind wasn't there yet. There were also a lot of showers, so I doubted I should turn around and go home. Did a lot of equipment trimming. Sail with the Banzai 4.7 on both the Goya One 95 and the Fanatic Grip 93. Tried a lot of different fins. Luckily the rain wasn't too bad, wind wasn't super gusty. Unfortunately, the direction was just not right, so we really not possible to plane near the shore. It was nice on the water. [Read...]

03 November 2023: Chilly, good wind, few waves

Sunday 05 November 2023

Strong wind predicted in the coming days. Yesterday storm, too much for surfing: 45 - 75 kts. Good wind and SW forecast today. Sailed the Banzai 5.3 on the Goya One 95 with MFC 22.5/10cm fins. Unintentionally caused a problem for a kiter, bummer. Wind direction was only good for a short time, usually bit too south. Luckily almost no rain. Wind was wonderfully constant. [Read...]

Je ziet nog net de spary van de landing na een sprong.Mooie foto van de Insta360 van Henk: Planeren met de Goya One 95.Mooie foto zo met de zon er bij, van de Insta360 van Henk: Planeren met de Goya One 95.Mooie foto van de Insta360 van Henk: Springen met de Goya One 95.Mooie foto van de Insta360 van Henk: Planeren met de Goya One 95.

14 October 2023: Lovely sunny day at Grevelingendam

Thursday 19 October 2023

Prediction: WNW: so Grevelingendam. Started with the Bazai 6.0 on the F-Cross 113, tested different fins, long runs to the other side of the lake. Later switched to the Bazai 5.3 on the Goya One 95A lot of jumping, sometimes some waveriding. Just enjoyed and played. Sailed on until my energy ran out. Clearly colder than yesterday, but in the sun it was still wonderful. Had no rain. Wind was nice and constant. Lovely day! [Read...]